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We're launching apps and lowering CPAs.

The Challenge:

Launched in Fall 2022, Nodal is a platform that efficiently connects vetted surrogates and intended parents, offering transparency, equity, education, and support for all parties on their journey. Nodal looked to Socialfly’s paid media expertise to decrease cost per acquisition (CPA) throughout both pre- and post-launch phases.

The Solution:

Working with a fixed budget, Socialfly sought to remove less qualified traffic in order to give the platform more data density to learn from.

The Approach:

Aiming to generate more qualified leads at a lower CPA, our first step was to conduct lead quality analysis and cut underperforming segments. From there, we restructured campaigns to improve efficiency, grouping ad sets and utilizing dynamic data driven audiences. We also introduced a more rigorous testing and optimization methodology for creative and targeting, significantly lowering Nodal’s average blended CPA by 60% over the course of two months.

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