Setting Social Media Goals

Posted at 13th-Oct-2014 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply

It’s important to set up goals for your social media marketing. If you are feeling hesitant on what your next steps are going to be to move your marketing forward, follow these suggestions from Kevan Lee from BufferSocial.

The first thing you need to do is establish an intriguing metric. Metrics can be anything from followers, likes, clicks, impressions or other similar quantifiable results.
According to KISSmetric Co-Founder Hiten Shah, metrics fit  into one of four buckets:
1. High traffic, low conversion
2.Low Traffic, high conversion
3. High traffic, high conversion
4. Low traffic, low conversion
Shah suggests focusing on the first two buckets for growth opportunity. Whereas the fourth bucket isn’t as beneficial, the third one is dependable.
You might be asking, “How do I find an intriguing metric?”
Here’s a good example. Let’s say very few people see your Facebook posts, yet the engagement percentage is super high. You’ve got low traffic, high conversation.
The next step after you have an intriguing metric is to figure out whether your goal should be a target number or a growth rate. For example, you either set a goal to get 200 clicks per tweet or to improve click rate by 10 percent each month.
The difference between the two is that growth rate continues on exponentially whereas a target is static.
Now that you’ve followed these steps you must learn “The 4 Pillars for Growth.”
The 4 Pillars for Growth, according to Kevan Lee:
1. Metrics
2. Hypothesis
3. Experiement
4. Act
The next thing any social media marketer should do is to follow up on a goal.
The way the team at Buffersocial does it is they start with an hypothesis, then determine about five factors, discuss advice or feedback from teammates, come up with a decision and then review it all as a whole and figure out what was learned from it.
There are many ways companies can set their goals for social media marketing. This is just one example on how the teams at Buffersocial sets their goals and it seems to be working for them! For more from BufferSocial, click here.

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