Shopaholics, Beware of Twitter’s New ‘Buy Now’ Button

Posted at 7th-Jul-2014 in Hot Topics, Social Media News | Leave a reply

Online shopping is addicting.  One click leads to another and in the blink of an eye my shopping cart has filled up.  As much as I love the excitement of getting a new package of clothes in the mail, I tend to let myself go on a shopping craze when a new dress is just a click away.  Now, Twitter is rumored to be installing a “Buy Now” button to tweets that are selling products.  This could be deadly for any shopaholic like myself, although a genius idea for the companies selling.

This “Buy Now” button appeared recently on a group of tweets that were selling products from Fancy, an online shopping site.  This new aspect mirrors a similar concept to the gift idea on Facebook; where you can virtually send a gift such as an iTunes or Starbucks gift card.  Right now Twitter’s main form of revenue is through advertising, although they have hinted at expanding to new ideas in the near future.

There are also rumors of a possible “click-to-call” button.  A user will immediately be connected with the company that published the tweet.  This would speed up the process of connecting through social media since it would eliminate the middle steps of going to their website and finding their contact information yourself.  Although the new button might have just been another Twitter experiment for their services, the “Buy Now” feature is definitely not far off.  So thank you, Twitter, for just one more way that social media can better our lives.

For more info click here!

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