Twitter May Play Favorites

Posted at 22nd-Apr-2014 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply

Those days of scrolling down your timeline, hoping to come across a tweet from a follower you might actually know may be coming to an end. Since last December, Twitter has been testing its “Fave People” feature amongst android users’ twitter alpha version.  This feature allows users to follow specific Tweeters that appear on a separate timeline as well as receive notifications when they tweet.  Previously, users would have to continue visiting a specific profile to get real time updates. This prospective revision is seemingly simple, but genius!

Twitter testers may have noticed accounts have a star icon on profiles. Clicking on this star will make them one part of the Fave People personalized timeline. Navigate through the menu bar to keep track of your favorite people and even choose to receive direct notifications through the settings tab so you never miss a tweet.  Many twitter users may not see this new feature for some time, or they may never see it at all unless it becomes part of the mobile application.  If Twitter’s Fave People feature becomes a hit, here are some helpful tips on how to make sure you’re someone’s favorite.


Be Relevant.

Follow users that you have a common interest in. If you love music and are constantly tweeting about the latest hits, why not follow music production labels, artists and even fans? Also, share some interesting insight to help grab the attention of others. Check out the trending topics to make sure you stay relevant and applicable to your desired audience.


Don’t Flood Timelines

Users who constantly tweet and retweet take the excitement out of their tweets. It’s easy to over do it and tell the world about everything you ate that day or thought about eating, but be careful. These accounts are usually the first to lose twitter followers.  Tweet in moderation and be sure to remember that 140 characters or less is key.


Be a Friendly Follower

Feel free to interact with people you follow. Commenting on tweets, professional accounts, or even sharing interesting articles with followers makes you a real person. Remember, twitter is great for networking so don’t be afraid to utilize it with aptness!


What do you think of Twitter’s possible new feature?


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